Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Our House In The Middle Of Our Street

I apologize for the last post about our home being so negative. It was one of those weeks you know? I wanted to write this one in a more positive tone because I really do love our house! I guess I just don't want it swept away from us without our say. The funny thing is, I used to LOVE moving! It was like a fresh new start every time; but this time, I'd like to stay a little while. Here is a good place to be. 

Firstly, I'd like to show you my favorite place in the whole world, our bedroom. Silly, I know! But it's my happy place. It's the only bedroom I've ever had that I've really liked. 

^ That book cracks me up. Those kids are maybe three and five years old and there is no way kids these days would act like those kids. With all the cleaning, cooking and what-not I wondered where their mother was.

We got a new (much wanted) dresser from my MIL. Now everyone has a place for their clothes. 

...And into the hallway we go.
And this is our living room. It's not perfect. It doesn't have a theme. Most everything in our house has either been given to us or we are borrowing it until further notice. I love it though. 

These are two of my three favorite things in our house. (Jared's not pictured ;])
Onyx and this rock with a ribbon tied to a note.

Was this not the best wedding gift ever?!

Here is our kitchen. It's always messy, even when it's clean. *Sigh* What can ya do?

 Sunrises through the curtains are especially nice though.

And now to outside things.

Our neighbor bought some cows. At first I was excited , I loved cows! They are were so cute! Then I saw how totally disgusting they were and I was pretty bummed. :/  You can't eat your friends poo and still be cute. You just can't. 

The ring shot was random, but as I was taking pictures in the back yard it felt appropriate to add. It was my great 3 or 4x Grandmother's ring. I can never remember and it makes me feel so bad! I always loved it though. I remember looking at it in my mom's jewelry box as a little kid and trying it on, only to have it be way to big for me. Then I grew up. I still had to get it fitted down but the difference in size wasn't so extreme. Being a grown up. Boy, that's been good. :) Hard, but good.

 Since we have so little time on our hands now, we were stumped at first on how we were going to make our gardens work. Then Jared picked up some headlamps from a store and now we garden in the dark! Not kidding! Once Onyx goes to sleep we just head out and get busy weeding, planting, digging or whatever and when the sun goes down *click* headlamps. We finished planting this garden around 11:30 at night. I was pretty excited to see how it looked in the morning. All was well! :)

 Yes. Those are velvet leggings,
and yes, they are from the 1980's.
(Thanks mom!)

 Thank you for guarding our house little gnome.
You are the only gnome I have ever met that does not freak me out.

If you like my pictures, would you like to follow me on my new instagram account?!
(I'm kinda behind the times... )

Until next time, ladies, gents, it's been a pleasure. :P

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Life Lately

Some of the outdoors,
a little bit of Mexican food,
and a whole lot of baby.

I may have added too many pictures, but who doesn't love pictures?
Here is my Mother's Day basket. It was filled with two movies, new shoes, new socks, double spice chai tea  (because regular spicy just wasn't enough!) and other fun little things.
PS. I now  Sesame Snaps! (Also in my basket in front of the Altoids tin)

Can you spot the vulture?

Mom meals these days...

Jared tried to tell me Onyx covered himself in stickers. Surrrrre.

Why do I always end up getting the bigger plate when we go out to eat?

That is one cute cousin combo!

New shoes. Oo lah lah!

Pardon the messy room, but this is real life you know? ;P

I think I've seen Ponyo (from my Mom's Day basket) 17 times now. Onyx and I watch it every morning as I make tea and breakfast while he plays with his toys on the floor. I think we both appreciate background noise. Life has been good but challenging and reminding me to trust in Yahweh ever'day. 

'Til Next Time...
You can enjoy this guest post I wrote on the very talented Melissa K. Norris's blog about modern pioneer living and all sorts of other good, wholesome stuff. She's great, I have one of her books! (Click it! Click it! you know you want too! :P)

Psalm 55:22 Turn your burdens over to the Jehovah, and he will take care of you. 
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