There was a new mother, me! (even though I hadn't fully absorbed it yet!) Maybe I should go back farther than that, to the positive pregnancy test that would change my life forever? Maybe two years prior, to our wedding day?
I'll never forget that day. Most brides cross their fingers hoping for the sun to come out and the skies to be blue, not me though. We planned for an evening wrapped in holiday lights and pathways of lanterns. The problem was it was June 28th and the sun didn't go down that night until almost 9 o'clock. We needed the world to miraculously dim or all the lit decorations would serve no purpose! That evening the heavens decided to give us some cloud coverage and sprinkle raindrops on all my bridesmaid making it perfectly, romantically dim enough for everything to flow just perfectly. Even though it's a wonderful story we should to go back even farther than that happy, happy day.
There was a time when we were quite the dramatic topic of some conversations. We fell in love as best friends. That ticked some people right off, but we tried to help everyone along with the new idea of "Jared and Challice". It took some time to say the least. We knew we were in it for life once we decided to move passed the awkward "You're my friend but.... I think I love you" phase. Sheesh. I was going to say "Good times!" but in all honesty I am just glad to be married and solidly attached to this guy, my sweet best friend and husband (who is also super duper handsome, one of the many downfalls of our "just friendship") Anyways, aside from the lovey love stuff. There was a time even before this, a time before marriage, before Jared, before my chuck of a son, before I ever knew any of this part of my life was going to happen. There was a time when it was just me and I was...
I believe that's what makes me love this life, my life so much.
To imagine that in a few years I would be married and have a child of my own would have been not only a fantasy but something I didn't know I wanted! I wanted to live single, move to the city and become a fashion designer playing violin on the street corner. I was quite fine with that idea. Thank you very much! ... It's funny how people think they have so much control over their life. God's plan was -MUCH- better than mine. I wouldn't have been starting seeds indoors for my garden in the country today with a sweet smelling baby on my hip if I had followed my plan. If I had followed my plan I would have probably still been alone and to be honest, being a wife and a mother is really a beautiful thing to be.
And here's to what I am blogging about, my version of "happily ever after".
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