We made it! That wasn't so bad. I didn't even have enough time to get everything done I wanted to do!
Short day with a short baby man. Good day all in all.
The morning started off differently than I thought it would. Jared informed me all snuggled down in bed, that it was snowing -really hard. Let me just say I looooove snow! But I am so ready for it it be Springtime. So I was a little bummed. Plus, that cancelled Onyx's little stroller walk this afternoon. Maybe the weather gods like a little more solid Challice. Then again, maybe not. In any case by the time we "officially" woke up (not to Jared's 5am work alarm, as Onyx looks at us as if to say "LET THE GAMES BEGIN!") the snow had pretty much melted. (Okay weather gods, I guess we'll go...)
... Only after a little "wake up!" tea and a bath for the boy.
We headed outside and the weather was as expected. Bipolar. It was raining and sunny all at once. It only took about 300 feet of bumpy blacktop before Onyx's wailing stopped and he fell asleep like *that*. It's a magic trick he's been doing for me these last few days. *Boom* asleep. It's pretty weird to go from laughing to sleep in a mili-second but that's a four month old for ya.
So, walking isn't SO bad...
We headed back inside where I had to change his clothes 956,873 more times but no big. I think he believes he's a model since I change his spitty-uppy clothes so often. I'll just let him keep that idea.
Jared got home before the sun was down and we went on a little stroll as a family. We made it!
End of day 1. Well, that wasn't so bad. :)
Life is good.
The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deuteronomy 31:8
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