Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy Earth Day!

 Howdy and Happy Earth Day to all my fellow tree huggers! I never knew exactly when Earth Day was and little did I care about it until recent years. The earth is just so freakin' amazing!  All it is, is a day to celebrate this wonderful planet we call home! Easy enough, no gifts out of obligation, no money needs to be spent, no arguing over who's house we are going too... It might just be my favorite holiday.  We simply go outside and appreciate. 

 And I love it. I also love these two. ↑ When we got home from our adventure we took a look at our photos and could not stop cracking up at this one. I wonder what on earth that boy was thinking!

Serious and mysterious album cover? I think it could work ;)

 Sometimes, the world is so unreal in it's beauty.

One of Jared's co-workers was teasing us about our choice to name our boy Onyx. He felt it was oober hippy-ish. (I never thought of that...) So he asked "What's his name again? Moon Boy or something?" Actually,  Moon Boy fits him perfectly. Look at that little roundy head! ... Well, at least I like it and so far he doesn't mind. 

 I just love these two!

Of course here I am throwing/cracking open rocks trying to find some exciting treasure inside.
No such luck, but they were still pretty cool. 

These elk tracks led me on a hunt, totally abandoning my hubbs and baby to look for shed antlers. It's my dream to find some! After 10 minutes of running through the brush like a wild man and totally scratching up my new boots, I came back to reality and looked around. Where did my family go!?????

I still haven't found any, but there is still time. 

I dreamed of moments like this for so long before Onyx was born. As hard as being a mom is sometimes, I wouldn't change my life for anything. Of course it's helps to have such a sweet boy and best friend to give your heart too, and pick you up when you fall down along the way. God is so good.

And there was our adventure. Happy Earth Day!

Genesis 1:31 And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.


  1. Beautiful... breath taking, the pictures are amazing. Thanks for the Moon Boy story. I'm excited to see your hair in a pony!!! Congrats :-)
    The picture series of the boys is hilarious... love the super serious (somewhat reprimanding) look Onyx has on his adorable little face. He's looking quite suspicious next to the tree with the mushrooms growing on it.

    1. Why did I never see your comment!? :)
      Thank you! His facial expressions are just too good not to capture.


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