Wednesday, April 10, 2013

What Did I Do Today?

How am I exhausted if I hardly got anything done?

 I'll give you a hint. He's teething, emotional, and currently a total mama's boy.

So we just played all day today. 

 There is so much laundry to be done. I really ought to get gardening. The pantry needs to be organized, and not just for me. Jared pointed out that the tea and Captain Crunch are the only things easily accessible.  Hmmm tea and cereal? Not me. I didn't do that. Nope ;)

 We decided we looked better without glasses.  >Big< decisions, you know.

 We talked a lot. Or I mostly listened as he told me the woes of teething.

 We had a good day.


  1. I am having SO much fun with your blog!!! Thank you for sharing your days with us. I absolutely love the polka dot nappy cover!

    Curious... are you the only one that sees the comments posted or are they accessible to others who view your blog? ~Darcy

    1. Everyone can see my comments, but not many people view my blog to start with. It's more for me anyways. :)I am going to take a writing class soon! I think that would help me a lot!


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